This form of nihilism has existed for awhile. I was a 17 year old gay edge-lord in 2006 - who said things like they do. I was trying to attack the world that wronged me. This is how most people react and is not exceptional. Siding with the enemy is initially welcoming but there are no hugs to be had if you cry.

I really appreciate these words and insight.

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Oh, God, Evgenia. This is so beautifully put.

For me, it was so sad and excruciating watching

“Red Scare” curdle. I remember it as the podcast where Simon Reynolds talked about Mark Fisher and the lead drum of capitalist realism, which is a far cry from the podcast that I saw had Ann Coulter on as a guest? Urrgh.

It’s an easy thing to throw up your hands and go “Fuck, whatever”. It also seems cowardly, especially as someone who tends to be drawn to fixing things. What to fix, though? Jesus Fucking Christ - it’s all so broken, you can see the glass and concrete rubble everywhere. It’s hard not to be hypnotised by all the light and shadows bending and splitting off the glass shards, though - nihilism seems like a trauma response as much as anything else at the moment.

Thank you for writing this. It’s really much appreciated.

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Great piece AND another book recommendation - sincere thanks

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Thanks for sharing this! It’s cool to read about the perspective of someone who grew up among nihilists & money-chasers. I actually haven’t been able to tune into Joshua Citarella’s “Doomscroll” after Dasha’s appearance. I get that he’s for free speech but I also thought he was supposed to curate *interesting,* non-mainstream political thinkers & comedians. Moral vacuum aside, Dasha didn’t even try to be funny or charming. And how is being a Trump supporter and a Catholic, beige-loving e-girl not mainstream? It’s like JD Vance meets [whatever trad wife is making the rounds on TikTok.]

Anna & Dasha have increasingly promoted a trad wife pathos: stay skinny, get Botox, don’t let your man see your beauty routines, have babies while you’re young —ideally from a rich daddy,-and by all means, don’t become one of those pathetic “careerist” women who postpone motherhood and end up alone. Anna in particular has become more conservative, mocking romantic / sexual arrangements outside the family unit. Almost like slut-shaming, which is weird coming from them.

I could go on, but zooming out, I still can’t believe so many Bernie supporters turned to the (alt)Right. Sure, the Libs superficial DEI attempts & language policing were lame, but that’s not the Left. And as American society becomes more dystopian & punishing, we need a socialist project more than ever. If it’s uncool, cringe & basic to care about the material conditions & the wellbeing of most people, so be it. The alternative is just sucking up to the little men in power, and that is so old.

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Thank you! Yeah it’s really insidious rather than cool what they are pushing. Also they don’t live what they preach at all. It’s all a spectacle. Citarella interview wis interesting bc he seems to play a simpleton and get her to say so much dumb stuff like “trumpian era is post politics”

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Great piece!

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Really enjoyed this one! I have completely retreated from Twitter and Instagram because the nihilism & detached energy on social media genuinely makes me physically ill. I hate edgelords! It’s just such a spiritually lazy way to exist.

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“But the surprising thing is that a lot of people buy this act. They really think that being cynical and nihilistic and being on the side of powerful corporations is some sort of transgressive act. That’s how warped the culture is here”. ….. this pretty much sums up *exactly* how i feel right now. ☹️

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Once again, Dimitry Orlov & "Social collapse best practices" FTW.


Got your garden seedlings started yet?

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